Life of a Diabetic, Part 1 : The Waking Realisation
A golden brown furball approached the sleeping girl with his wet nose, waking her up to receive pats and a 'good boy'. The girl in her late twenties woke up, looked at her lovely dog and with a sigh reached towards the black Pandora box. The box was her glucometer and the digits it displayed would decide her unconscious mood for the day, as it did for the last one year. Being from a medical field, she had always known what diabetes was, how many types were there and what was the management and precautions for it. But, what she didn't know how the society reacted to it. The laymen associate this chronic illness as a life style disease of fat people. They categorize the patients as unhealthy, without knowing the cause. There are around 6 types of diabetes and only one of them is because of the messy eating habits. She never had once realized that she would have to educate the people on different types while telling them about her diabetes. She blames the lack of awaren...